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Thought Partnerships is dedicated to advancing nonviolent, just, and inclusive societies. We create collective impact by building effective Communities of Practice. (1).png

Thought Partnerships celebrates difference and is not averse to conflict. We believe that resilient and cohesive societies are made possible by the commitment of the persons, institutions, and power holders within those societies to promote and realize a dignified and equal experience for all people in the face of conflict and difference. To realize this vision there are three fundamental pillars- Nonviolent, Just and Inclusive- that we have prioritized as a tangible pathway to build and sustain more cohesive, resilient, and equitable societies. These pillars are dynamic concepts, constantly shifting and changing alongside the complex environments of our world and planet, and so our own understanding of and engagement with them is also always evolving and iterating.

Together we are working toward societies that are…



Our vision of a nonviolent society is not one absent of conflict or disagreement; but rather the recognition that conflicts are part of the human experience and can be catalysts for positive transformation and change within a society. We see a nonviolent society as one where marginalizing, destructive and oppressive systems are actively disrupted and transformed as well as where the dignity and safety for all members of society is honored and upheld- by the persons, institutions, laws and practices-regardless of their real or perceived identity. In a nonviolent society, members of that society are committed to addressing and working through conflict and difference without resorting to or being met with acts of violence.

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In societies across the globe, identity, both real and perceived, greatly impacts the ways in which individuals are able to move through and interact with that society. Our vision of a just society is one in which the dignity of each member of a society is prioritized and that each individual can access services that underpin their fundamental human rights regardless of their identity. A just society is marked by its ability- through its persons, institutions and power holders- to deliver accountability, justice and rule of law for all persons in an equitable and fair manner, free from violence or discrimination.

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Our vision of an inclusive society is one whose social and institutional structures are elastic, durable, and resilient enough to make room for the belonging of all persons, including those whom may deeply and fundamentally disagree with one another, without members of any part of society feeling as though their enjoyment of rights is undermined by the equal provision of rights for all people. Inclusive societies acknowledge the profound diversity of identity, thought, experience, and belief of its members and protect the space for it to exist. Inclusive societies welcome vibrant debate, dialogue, and civic engagement from all of its members, understanding that the health of a society comes from the ability for all people to equally participate and belong, free from violence and discrimination.